Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Aramex Connect Shipping in WooCommerce

Live Shipping Rates Australia for WooCommerce

Are you looking to integrate Aramex Connect shipping with your WooCommerce store? By using the “Live Shipping Rates Australia” plugin, you can easily set up Aramex Connect shipping methods to offer accurate, real-time rates to your customers. Follow this step-by-step guide to get Aramex Connect shipping up and running smoothly on your WooCommerce store.

1. Install the Live Shipping Rates Australia Plugin

To start, you need to install the Live Shipping Rates Australia plugin, which supports Aramex Connect and other Australian shipping carriers. Here’s how:

  • Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to Plugins > Add New.
  • Search for Live Shipping Rates Australia for WooCommerce in the search bar.
  • Click Install Now, then click Activate once installed.

2. Configure Plugin Settings

To enable the plugin to communicate with Aramex Connect and fetch live shipping rates, you’ll need to enter your API credentials.

  • Go to Dashboard > LSRA > AramexConnect.
  • In the settings, you’ll find fields for entering your Aramex Client ID and Client Secret.
  • Obtain these credentials by signing up with Aramex Connect or logging into your existing account.

3. Configure Plugin Settings

Once the plugin is activated, it’s time to configure its settings.

  • Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping.
  • Click on the Shipping Zones tab.
    Select the zone where you want to offer Aramex Connect shipping (or create a new zone).
  • Add a Shipping Method and select Live Shipping Rates Australia from the list.
  • Select AramexConnect from the dropdown list of the Shipping Company option.

4. Set Handling Fees and Shipping Options

Once your API credentials are entered, you can configure handling fees, shipping options, and other settings:
  • Define any handling fees you want to charge on top of the shipping rates provided by Aramex Connect.
  • Customize the shipping method title and description that appears during checkout.
  • You can enable options such as insurance for added protection during shipping, or modify the service types to match your needs (e.g., standard, express).
  • You can also configure the plugin to remove GST from the returned rates, depending on the setup of your store.

5. Finalizing Your Setup

After testing and confirming that the shipping rates are being calculated accurately, ensure that your WooCommerce store is ready for live transactions. Review other settings such as order statuses, custom messages, and customer notifications related to shipping.

Download the Live Shipping Rates Australia for WooCommerce Plugin today and unlock the full potential of Aramex Connect!